Pure frosted privacy window film for 0.9 x 5 m

USD 26.97
Stock 200
With this film for waterproof window and non-toxic, your bedroom, bathroom and office will have full protection of intimacy, because his style frosted prevent it from being seen from a distance. It can be easily glued and removed without leaving marks because it is no glue. This durable film can also be used as a window decoration. At the same time, it can save the energy of the air conditioning and reduce the heat lost in winter. For more, this magic perfinestra film can 'be used multiple times within a certain period of time .;
  • Material: Environmental PVC
  • Width: 90 cm
  • Length: 5 m
  • Thickness: 0.08 mm
  • Sticker
; Made of PVC environment, this window film can not 'just one of protection of privacy, but also a decoration for your living room and work space.